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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Biro Lamp as pen holder

I’m also one of those who tends to misplace or lose a pen. Some times, I’ll still be able to retain the body but losing its cap only. And of course, some times, I’ll misplace it and no matter how hard I search around, I can’t locate it.
Biro Lamp as pen holder
Losing a pen always happens to me no matter I’m in the house or in the office. That is a bad habit. Some more, I think I don’t have a prominent pen holder that is able to remind me always that I have to put my pen back to its holder.
If I had the Biro lamp, it could be a different story.This lamp comes with a lamp shade, which serves as a nice place for those pens to dangle on. If you leave the Biro Lamp close to your work space, you’ll always get reminded that you’ll need to put those pens back to its lamp shade, in order for it to look tidier with all pens dangling and aligned nicely as its extended lamp shade.
What a good idea that the Biro Lamp brings, which lets you save your pocket for buying new pen, whenever you’ve lost it.

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